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Stuff They Didn't Teach Me In Sunday School

Hosted by Bruce Wurdeman

Ever wonder if there was just a bit more to some of those lessons you learned in Sunday school? You might discover some answers to your questions in Stuff They Didn't Teach Me in Sunday School, a wonderful series of short videos by Lutheran Hour Ministries.

Bruce Wurdeman, LHM's former executive director, offers insights into some of the best-known Bible stories we learned as kids. In each segment, Wurdeman explores how understanding a cultural nuance or a specific word from Scripture can give surprising depth and clarity to Old- and New-Testament narratives we may have heard dozens of times.


Each episode is 3 to 10 minutes long. Scroll through over 180 episodes covering events in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.  

Scroll down using the grey vertical scroll bar on the right in the window below.  When you find an episode you want to watch, simply hit the green "Watch Video" button on the left side.  The videos are free to enjoy.

If you enjoyed this series then be sure to check out "Reel To Real: Of Fish and Men," which is also hosted by Bruce Wurdeman

Video Bible study produced by Lutheran Hour Ministries

an official auxiliary of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) and Lutheran Church – Canada (LCC) 

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