"God Connects: A Course In Christianity"
is an excellent video-based adult Christian education (confirmation) course developed by Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM).
Join Dr. Gregory Seltz as he course covers Christian doctrine in 12 topics.
Each video is under 10 minutes.
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1. Why Jesus?
Why Jesus? With all the religions in the world, what makes Christianity unique? The Christian faith teaches that God sent Jesus to restore our relationship. He connected to us!
2. Why the Bible?
Why the Bible -- Christians believe that the Bible is God Himself speaking to us, but what makes it stand out as authoritative, reliable and worthy of our attention?
3. God's Law
Nobody likes rules, even rules from God. His rules may be the hardest because they are impossible to keep. Yet God has loving purposes in mind in revealing His law to us.
4. Nature of God
We can't fully understand all that God is and yet He reveals Himself as one God in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Through what the Son Jesus has done for us, God reveals His supreme attribute to a broken world: love.
5. Who is Jesus Christ?
Jesus is the most influential historical figure that ever lived. Who is He? What is it about Jesus that changed the world - and can change your life too?
6. Who is the Holy Spirit?
As the third person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit's desire is to bring us to faith in God and then to always be with us through all circumstances.
7. Prayer
It's just talking to God; it's telling Him what's on our minds; it's honestly conversing with the most powerful Being imaginable - and knowing that He is our Father!
8. Baptism
Through Baptism God makes amazing promises to you - just to you - that your sins are forgiven and you have become His child. And God always keeps this His promises.
9. Confession and Absolution
Ever had guilt that weighed you down? It would not just go away no matter how hard you tried to shake it? Through Confession and Absolution, God speaks through the church to apply forgiveness, His forgiveness, to our sin.
10. Communion
What are you eating and drinking in Communion? More than meets the eye! Jesus delivers His forgiveness through this meal. For Christians, partaking of Communion is vital - a real encounter with God.
11. The End of Time
What happens when this world comes to an end? At that time, Jesus will return in His power and glory; heaven and earth will be destroyed, and a new heaven and new earth-where righteousness dwells-will be created: the Garden of Eden 2.0
12. Christian Life
Let's go! But how do you live a Christian life? The summary is that it is all about love, living in a way that shows our love for God and loving our neighbor as ourselves.
If you enjoyed this series then be sure to check out "Lost Books of The Bible," which is also hosted by Dr. Gregory Seltz
Video Bible study produced by Lutheran Hour Ministries
an official auxiliary of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) and Lutheran Church – Canada (LCC)