Explaining All the Scary Stuff in Revelation
Hosted by Rev. Ken Klaus
Nobody said demons, plagues, and an appointment with Armageddon would be fun, but it doesn't have to be feared-at least not for the Christian. Check out this enjoyable and informative Bible study, Explaining All The Scary Stuff In Revelation. It gives both insight and encouragement to those who follow "the bright Morning Star."
You can click the "Expand" button on the videos to enlarge the video player.

Session 1
Scary Stuff - Part One
Session 2 (Part 2)
Scary Stuff - Part Two
Session 2
Locked On A Collision Course
Session 3
Proceed With Caution
Session 4
Cracking Revelation's Code
Here's a handy bookmark to help you remember what the symbols mean in Revelation. You can tuck it in your Bible for an easy reference as you read it.
Click here (or on the thumbnail picture of it to the left) for the PDF which you can print.
Video Bible study produced by Lutheran Hour Ministries
an official auxiliary of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) and Lutheran Church – Canada (LCC)